Homework help – Write a while loop to prints 2 through 128 in brackets, each on a new line.

Question description Homework help – Write a while loop to prints 2 through 128 in brackets, each on a new line.  You should initialize your loop control variable to 2.  Output the value of the loop control variable each time through the loop.  Use a condition that ends the loop after 64 is printed.

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temperature of the pool water

Question description A balloon contains 3.2 moles of air and has a volume of 0.051 m3 when it is submerged 5.0 m below the surface of a pool of pure water. What is the temperature of the pool water? (You can assume that the temperature of the water and of the air is the same.)

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Applications of Trigonometry in Everyday Life (precalculus)

Question description Applications of Trigonometry in Everyday Life(precalculus) find a real-life example in which you need to solve a general (non-right) triangle. Create a Word document that contains the following elements: Explain the situation and demonstrate how you use trigonometry to solve the problem. Include all the relevant information, so that other learners can understand […]

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The Psychopathology of the Human-Nature Relationship” Metzner,

Question description Metzner.pdf  Based off this article attached please complete assignment . At least 250 words answering each question thoroughly.Which of the 4 pathologies described by the author do you think best describes our relationship with the natural world and why?Why do you agree/disagree with the reasons the article gives for why we choose to “distance” […]

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Organizational SWOT

Question description Complete a SWOT (preferably with others outside of class) related to your selected organization. Assignment help – Discussion is important if possible, so you can invite friends, neighbors, co-workers or others to join your SWOT group, OR you can set up a SWOT exercise as part of a work project (best option). Follow […]

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The Meanings of Words

Question description PLEASE GOOGLE AND READ How Language Shapes Thought,” by Lera Boroditsky  AND “Mother Tongue” by Amy TanThe readings from this week reflect complex relationships between individuals’ senses of self and the language(s) they speak, hear, and read. Many of the authors from the weekly readings repeatedly suggest that language is closely connected to culture […]

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Torts and Cyber Torts – Assignment help – Discussion

Question description Topic 1: Torts and Cyber TortsThe Cardigans through CARDWARE have introduced a new “Let’s Keep Warm” matching clothing line for toddlers and children up to age six and their dolls. The clothing line is unique as the sweaters have charms on them that are suitable for a variety of occasions. For example, there […]

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Take a product tag, or an instruction manual, form some kind of home or garden, assignment help

Question description Take a product tag, or an instruction manual, form some kind of home or garden product, and answer the following questions:1. Describe the item in detail such as the instruction manual for a specific household appliance, the written instructions provided along with a prescribed medication, or the warning label on a hairdryer made […]

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investigate how AR technologies are and can be used in education

Question description  looking for someone who can write a research paper.The research is to conduct an in-dept study to investigate how AR technologies are and can be used in education; specifically focusing on computer science, information systems and information technology education. The objectives is:To conduct a thorough literature review concerning current research Augmented reality.To investigate AR […]

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Final project reports

Question description I have to write a report for my Project for 15 minutes presentation. I’m going to design a website by using html and php and dateBase for my university IT lab department. This is my proposal. IntroductionOverviewIn order to design a good website, we should have a clear understanding of the web site development […]

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Homework help – Write a while loop to prints 2 through 128 in brackets, each on a new line.

Question description Homework help – Write a while loop to prints 2 through 128 in brackets, each on a new line.  You should initialize your loop control variable to 2.  Output the value of the loop control variable each time through the loop.  Use a condition that ends the loop after 64 is printed.

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temperature of the pool water

Question description A balloon contains 3.2 moles of air and has a volume of 0.051 m3 when it is submerged 5.0 m below the surface of a pool of pure water. What is the temperature of the pool water? (You can assume that the temperature of the water and of the air is the same.)

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Applications of Trigonometry in Everyday Life (precalculus)

Question description Applications of Trigonometry in Everyday Life(precalculus) find a real-life example in which you need to solve a general (non-right) triangle. Create a Word document that contains the following elements: Explain the situation and demonstrate how you use trigonometry to solve the problem. Include all the relevant information, so that other learners can understand […]

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The Psychopathology of the Human-Nature Relationship” Metzner,

Question description Metzner.pdf  Based off this article attached please complete assignment . At least 250 words answering each question thoroughly.Which of the 4 pathologies described by the author do you think best describes our relationship with the natural world and why?Why do you agree/disagree with the reasons the article gives for why we choose to “distance” […]

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Organizational SWOT

Question description Complete a SWOT (preferably with others outside of class) related to your selected organization. Assignment help – Discussion is important if possible, so you can invite friends, neighbors, co-workers or others to join your SWOT group, OR you can set up a SWOT exercise as part of a work project (best option). Follow […]

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The Meanings of Words

Question description PLEASE GOOGLE AND READ How Language Shapes Thought,” by Lera Boroditsky  AND “Mother Tongue” by Amy TanThe readings from this week reflect complex relationships between individuals’ senses of self and the language(s) they speak, hear, and read. Many of the authors from the weekly readings repeatedly suggest that language is closely connected to culture […]

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Torts and Cyber Torts – Assignment help – Discussion

Question description Topic 1: Torts and Cyber TortsThe Cardigans through CARDWARE have introduced a new “Let’s Keep Warm” matching clothing line for toddlers and children up to age six and their dolls. The clothing line is unique as the sweaters have charms on them that are suitable for a variety of occasions. For example, there […]

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Take a product tag, or an instruction manual, form some kind of home or garden, assignment help

Question description Take a product tag, or an instruction manual, form some kind of home or garden product, and answer the following questions:1. Describe the item in detail such as the instruction manual for a specific household appliance, the written instructions provided along with a prescribed medication, or the warning label on a hairdryer made […]

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investigate how AR technologies are and can be used in education

Question description  looking for someone who can write a research paper.The research is to conduct an in-dept study to investigate how AR technologies are and can be used in education; specifically focusing on computer science, information systems and information technology education. The objectives is:To conduct a thorough literature review concerning current research Augmented reality.To investigate AR […]

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Final project reports

Question description I have to write a report for my Project for 15 minutes presentation. I’m going to design a website by using html and php and dateBase for my university IT lab department. This is my proposal. IntroductionOverviewIn order to design a good website, we should have a clear understanding of the web site development […]

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